Switchgear Safety is proud to announce that our LOTO Pro™ line of magnetic lock-out/tag-out products has recently been named as Occupational Health & Safety’s 2019 New Product Of The Year Award in the category of Electrical Safety! The award program honors the outstanding product development achievements of health and safety manufacturers whose products are considered particularly noteworthy in their ability to improve workplace safety. Switchgear Safety is one of only 21 companies to receive the honor this year across 24 categories with an independent panel of three highly qualified judges choosing the winners. You can find Switchgear Safety’s LOTO Pro™ featured in the November/December issue of Occupational Health & Safety and on Occupational Health & Safety’s industry-leading website (Link).

About LOTO Pro™

Switchgear Safety LLC’s new patent pending line of LOTO PRO™ temporary magnetic Lock-out/Tag-out (LOTO) products allow maintenance technicians to render control devices found on potentially dangerous equipment inoperable prior to work being performed. Lock-out/Tag-out (LOTO) is a safety practice used in industrial settings to ensure that potentially dangerous equipment is properly shut off, isolated, or rendered inoperable prior to maintenance or other work, and is mandated by law in many jurisdictions.

LOTO Pro™ lock-out/tag-out solutions utilize heavy duty, switchable magnets to temporarily attach the LOTO device to the gear with absolutely no modifications to the equipment or enclosure required. When locked out, the switchable magnet’s handle is inoperable, thus preventing removal of the device and operation of the intended switch, push button, valve, or other equipment. Switchgear Safety offers LOTO Pro™ devices for all types and styles of equipment (Both electrical and non-electrical) and can also design and configure the products for any custom or specialized applications where standard hard-mounted LOTO devices aren’t available or practical.

About Switchgear Safety LLC

Switchgear Safety LLC is based in Argyle, TX and specializes in design and manufacture of the industry’s highest quality electrical safety equipment with a focus on remote racking, remote switching, and lock-out/tag-out equipment to meet the growing demand of safety within the workplace. Contact Switchgear Safety today to see how the new LOTO Pro™ line of lock-out/tag-out safety equipment can help keep your facility’s personnel safe and secure.

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